- An executive who dismisses detail will more than likely dismiss his business.
- Thought is the real business capital, not money.
- Everyone likes to dodge thought and find a substitute for it.
- Use your own time, don't let others use it.
- Business should concern itself with service to people and not worry about competitors.
- We need time for hard, quiet thought.
- A company needs a one-man control with supreme authority.
- We want to buy thoughts ready-made—but there is no substitute for thinking.
- Executives must execute.
- Train your mind to concentrate on one subject.
- Good management must have a fundamental honesty—otherwise the company will not prevail.
- Ask: why am I in business? Only to make money? A business must supply a need or want.
- In our business, we have had to meet every adversity.
- A man is not truly in his business unless he has his all in it.
- A business is not a business until it has been hardened by fire and water.
- Firestone had 1,500 men in inflationary times performing jobs of little or no value. They found out they needed only 300.
- Vision is not a dreaming forward, it is a thinking through with values in mind.
- It is perfectly possible to make an exact mental picture of what would be required to do a decided percentage of business. If that picture be kept in mind, the decisions to carry it out can come quickly.
- The test of a businessman is not if he can make money by getting into the field first, but whether, in a highly competitive field without having any initial advantage over his competitors, he can outdistance them in a perfectly honorable way and keep the respect of himself and his community.
- Never rush in on a deal, let it come to you. Know the market thoroughly.
- When a man's information is confined to the field in which he is working, the work is never as good as it ought to be. A man has to get a perspective, and he can get it from books and people.
- Don't sleep and eat with your business. Get far enough away to look at yourself and your affairs.
Using a stethoscope, my father, a physician, listened attentively to hear his patients' internal sounds. He tells me a critical aspect of an examination is what he may not hear. He would obtain essential information in a circuitous style with questions that seemingly made no reasonable sense. Every answer, prompted another question as he probed deeper intothepatient’s concerns. In this manner his diagnoses and treatment plan always improved the patient’s overall quality of life and health.
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This material is for informational purposes only to provide a general understanding of the recommendations for choosing a contracting firm. Tom Hines, Architect accepts no liability for the content or for the consequences of any action taken on the basis of the information provided.